Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came to the festival – despite the very, very unfortunate weather. Sadly a lot of people couldn’t make it… Please come to the next one!
Also thank you very much for all the funding organizations such as The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, Japan Foundation, The Japan Society, and Atrium (which sponsored Barry Purves’ Masterclass), lots of companies and artists who kindly donated money and prizes for our festival raffle, and last but not least Chapter Arts Center, who were also very supportive. We couldn’t have done our first festival without their help. (Please help us again!) People who couldn’t come to the festival this time, please don’t worry – Broadstroke Productions documented all the events on video, and these clips will go on to our website soon.
Festival Director Eiko Meredith is so happy, our Japanese culture is accepted by the nice people in Cardiff. Thank you!