Below are the raffle prizes to be won at Kotatsu Cardiff 2016. Raffle tickets are available at Super Tomato and Chapter Box office from beginning of September for 50p each.
Star Prizes

Case Closed (Detective Conan) Signed Flyers
Courtesy of Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation.
The latest flyer for the Case Closed, Detective Conan film ‘The Darkest Nightmare’, signed by anime producer Michihiko SUWA, who also produced City Hunter, Inuyasya, Black Jack, and Ace Attorney.

StopMate Motion Animation Armature
Courtesy of Tetsu’s Armature.
The StopMate SM-005 is a ball & socket armature kit which can be assembled to create the internal skeleton for your humanoid puppets. Designed by Tetsu, a skilled Japanese machinist, they are the main stop motion armatures used in univertisies such as Tokyo’s University of the Arts animation program. They are also used professionaly for films, TV series, and adverts in the Japanese animation industry. The armature moves really smoothly and is very strong, making it ideal for professional animation projects.
Sold worldwide by Stop Motion Store.

Yakiniku Gift Vouchers
Courtesy of
Seoul House Restaurant. Treat yourself to some excellent cuisine at the renowned Japanese and Korean restaurant on the east side of Cardiff.
We have 4 gift vouchers to give away, 1 x £20, and 3 x £10.

£5 Voucher for TK Trading (10 vouchers up for grabs)
Courtesy of T.K Trading
The biggest online Japanese food shop in UK.
We have 10 gift vouchers to give away, each worth £5!

Japanese Food Hamper
Courtesy of Ren Japanese Food..
A voucher for a food hamper, such as this beautiful Bento box.
Books & DVDs

1 year’s subscription to NEO Magazine
Courtesy of NEO Magazine.

Igam Ogam – Wakey Shakey DVD
Courtesy of Calon TV.
Have fun watching 8 full episodes of the fun loving cave girl, Igam Ogam.

Hana’s Helpline – Patsy
Courtesy of Calon TV.
Hana’s Helpline PATSY: The Piglet With A New Baby Brother

Woman Who Brings the Rain
Courtesy of New Welsh Review.
Memoir/Travel book written by Eluned Gramich, winner of the New Welsh Writing Awards 2015. This is available as an E-book, for use with E-reader devices.

Kazuyuki Ohtsu
Courtesy of The Japanese Shop.
Essay about Kazuyuki Ohtsu by author Bob Hicks, including more than 50 reproductions of Ohtsu’s work. For forty years Kazuyuki Ohtsu (Japanese, b. 1935) served as assistant to Kiyoshi Saito, a woodblock artist at the forefront of the sosaku hanga movement and a man Ohtsu revered as “Master.” What Ohtsu created under his own name is a fascinating blend of old and new, a reinvigoration of traditional topics with contemporary techniques. Ohtsu’s prints are poetic contemplations, drawing us into lovely, tranquil scenes of natural beauty and harmony.

One Piece Film Gold
Courtesy of Dentsu Music and Entertainment Inc..
Rare card from the latest One Piece Film Gold.
This item is not on general sale.

Cynical Hysterie Hour
Courtesy of Kiriko Kubo.
Kiriko Kubo is a very famous Japanese cartoonist living in London. She recently published e-books of ‘Cynical Hysterie Hour’ in English. Her comics are available on Amazon.

Courtesy of
GUNMA-CHAN is the local mascot represents Gunma prefecture of Japan. He is one of the famous mascots in Japan and promotes his lovely home!

Da-gashi Sweets Box (Dried Fruits)
Courtesy of Ami Nature.
Mr. Katsuji Matsumoto is an artist, representing the Showa era, who took an active part as a lyric painter, cartoonist, painter for juvenile picture, and goods creator. In 1938 a comic titled “Kurukuru Kurumi-chan (Spinning Walnut)” appeared and was serialized for 35 years. Its goods were produced in succession and became an original character for girls. In order to revise good old pictures, Ami Nature used Katsuji’s pictures for packages, selling overseas additive-free, dried fruits from Yamanashi prefecture as “natural inexpensive food”.

Liquid Shio Koji
Courtesy of Hanamaruki Foods Inc
“Koji” is a malted rice used in the fermentation process for miso, sake, soy sauce and other foods. Shio Koji is a traditional Japanese condiment made from fermented rice koji and salt. It has only natural flavor and colour, and contains no additives. Anybody can cook very tasty Japanese receipes easily with Liquid Shio Koji.