Below are the raffle prizes to be won at Kotatsu Cardiff 2017. Raffle tickets are available at Super Tomato and Chapter Box office from beginning of September for 50p each.
Star Prizes

Yuichi Ito Goods
Courtesy of Itoon.
Various goods and a book signed by Yuichi Ito. Yuichi Ito is an award-winning animator and a professor in the department of animation at Tokyo National University of Arts Graduate School. His work spans TV animation, commercials, and music videos.

StopMate Motion Animation Armature
Courtesy of Tetsu’s Armature.
The StopMate SM-005 is a ball & socket armature kit which can be assembled to create the internal skeleton for your humanoid puppets. Designed by Tetsu, a skilled Japanese machinist, they are the main stop motion armatures used in univertisies such as Tokyo’s University of the Arts animation program. They are also used professionaly for films, TV series, and adverts in the Japanese animation industry. The armature moves really smoothly and is very strong, making it ideal for professional animation projects. Sold worldwide by Stop Motion Store.

£20 Voucher for TK Trading (2 vouchers up for grabs)
Courtesy of T.K Trading
The biggest online Japanese food shop in UK. We have 2 gift vouchers to give away, each worth £20!

Yakiniku Gift Vouchers
Courtesy of Seoul House Restaurant.
Treat yourself to some excellent cuisine at the reknowned Japanese and Korean restaurant on the east side of Cardiff. We have 4 gift vouchers to give away, 1 x £20, and 3 x £10.

Japanese Food Hamper
Courtesy of Ren Japanese Food.
A voucher for a food hamper, such as this beautiful Bento box.
Books & DVDs

DVD Set from MVM
Courtesy of MVM Entertainment.
Set A
- Nobunaga The Fool – Bluray
- Total Eclipse – DVD
- Log Horizon (Part 1)
- A Lulu In The Sea

DVD Set from MVM
Courtesy of MVM Entertainment.
Set B
- God Eater
- Fate Zero
- From the New World Part 1
- Nobunaga The Fool – DVD

1 year’s subscription to NEO Magazine
Courtesy of NEO Magazine.

Komaneko Toys
Courtesy of Dwarf.
“Komaneko The Curious Cat” is a stop motion movie directed by Tsuneo Goda.

Kiriko’s Factory Bag
Courtesy of Kiriko Kubo.
Kiriko Kubo is a very famous Japanese cartoonist living in London. She recently published e-books of ‘Cynical Hysterie Hour’ in English. Her comics are available on Amazon.