Below is the complete list of raffle prizes to be won. Raffle tickets will be available at Kotatsu stall during the festival for 50p each.

Hikikomori Artwork
Courtesy of Chiara Spagnoli Gabardi
50cm x 60cm – 2021
Oil on canvas, manga pages, crystal resin.
Hikikomori is a social phenomenon, that was first identified in Japan, but has now extended across the world, and is characterised by acute social withdrawal. During the pandemic people worldwide got acquainted with this reclusive lifestyle. The artwork upcycles manga pages to portray the voluntary confinement syndrome, that reduces the human being to a mere mannequin. The kinetic images evoke the moving pictures found in anime, that are being celebrated by the Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival in Wales.
Facebook: @chiaraspagnoligabardi
Instagram: @chiaraspagnoligabardi
Twitter: @clairespanish
Artwork Website:

The Wasabi Company – Condiment Selection
Courtesy of The Wasabi Company.
The Wasabi Company have kindly donated this selection of Wasabi flavoured tartare sauce, mayonnaise and mustard

Blu-ray/DVD Set
Courtesy of MVM Entertainment.
Set 1
- GRANBLUE Fantasy Part 1 [BD]
- Aria S1 Collection [BD]
- Girls Beyond The Wasteland [DVD]
Set 2
- Asterisk War Part 1 [BD]
- Flip Flappers Collection [DVD]
- 11 Eyes Collection [DVD]
- Fate /Apocrypha Part 1 [BD]

Yakiniku Gift Vouchers
Courtesy of Seoul House Restaurant.
Treat yourself to some excellent cuisine at the renowned Japanese and Korean restaurant on the east side of Cardiff. We have 4 gift vouchers to give away, 1 x £20, and 3 x £10.

Liquid Shio Koji
Courtesy of Hanamaruki Foods Inc
“Koji” is a malted rice used in the fermentation process for miso, sake, soy sauce and other foods. Shio Koji is a traditional Japanese condiment made from fermented rice koji and salt. It has only natural flavour and colour, and contains no additives. Anybody can cook very tasty Japanese recipes easily with Liquid Shio Koji. Also available from the Rice Wine Shop in London.

Kirin Lager
Courtesy of Carlsberg Marstons Brewing Company
Brewed using the Ichiban Shibori method, Kirin pours a strikingly crisp-looking pale gold and tastes of sweet malt. A flavoursome premium lager, hailing from Japan, enjoy Kirin Ichiban chilled.

Courtesy of Yokaiju
Funky key-ring from the Manchester-based anime, manga and Japanese snack store.