Another Award For ‘In A Pig’s Eye’

At this year’s London International Animation Festival 2011, a Japanese short animated film called ‘In A Pig’s Eye‘ by Atsushi Wada has been given the prestigious award for Best of the Festival.

At last year’s Kotatsu Festival 2010, we showed one of his earlier animations entitled ‘The Mechanism of Spring‘ as part of our short film screenings. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Atsushi Wada on yet another award (the film has won others) and look forward to seeing what he comes up with next.

We are showing more great shorts at this year’s festival (at the Atrium) so be sure to check out the programme page where we’ll announce the films we’ll be showing very soon.

image from In a Pigs Eye by Atsushi Wada
In a Pig’s Eye by Atsushi Wada

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