We have some great news to announce, Yukiko Ayres, a professional calligrapher based in London, is happy to give us a demonstration at craft fair. She started learning the art of Shodo from the age of six and now works as a professional calligrapher in Japan and UK. She is also a 5th Dan Kendo master! This character ‘武道-Budo’ is her recent work which was used for the event held in London. So from 11:00 am at the craft fair, she will give us a Japanese Calligraphy Demonstration. She will write your favourite words. Just to let you know, words she writes on the day are not for commercial purposes. If you would like to use her beautiful calligraphy for your flyer or business card or anything like that, please speak with her directly. All the profit from this demonstration will go to Save the Children Japan Appeal and also the Muslin Square Project.
We are sure a lot of people know about Save The Children, but many people might not have heard about the Muslin Square Project before. The Muslin Square Project is organized by Japanese mothers who live in the UK. Muslin Squares are large pieces of cloth used to wipe babies’ mouths, for breastfeeding or as burp cloths. They are sending these to help young mothers and mothers-to-be in areas affected by the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear aftermath in Japan. They don’t send goods directly to the evacuation centres. Instead, they check how many Muslin Squares are actually needed and the majority are sent to the maternity centres in Tokyo. From there, the goods are distributed to the maternity and evacuation centres in the affected areas.
We sincerely hope the money raised at the fair will help people, especially those children and mothers who suffered from the disaster.