Below are the raffle prizes to be won. Raffle tickets are available on the day from Eiko Meredith.
Dwarf Studio Goods
Courtesy of Dwarf Studio.
Komaneko bag signed by Tsuneo Goda and Hirokazu Minegishi. Tsuneo Goda – creator of Domo-kun, established dwarf studios in 2003. His latest work is “Mogu & Perol”. Hiro Minegishi – stop-motion animator, started work on “Domo” in 1998. Since then, he has been forming tag team with Goda on “Komaneko” series and “Makuma-kun” series and more.
DVD Set from MVM
Courtesy of MVM Entertainment.
- Fate Zero
- Captain Earth
- Fate / stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]

Liquid Shio Koji
Courtesy of Hanamaruki Foods Inc
“Koji” is a malted rice used in the fermentation process for miso, sake, soy sauce and other foods. Shio Koji is a traditional Japanese condiment made from fermented rice koji and salt. It has only natural flavour and colour, and contains no additives. Anybody can cook very tasty Japanese recipes easily with Liquid Shio Koji. Also available from the Rice Wine Shop in London.

Da-gashi Sweets Box (Dried Fruits)
Courtesy of Ami Nature.
Mr. Katsuji Matsumoto is an artist, representing the Showa era, who took an active part as a lyric painter, cartoonist, painter for juvenile picture, and goods creator. In 1938 a comic titled “Kurukuru Kurumi-chan (Spinning Walnut)” appeared and was serialized for 35 years. Its goods were produced in succession and became an original character for girls. In order to revise good old pictures, Ami Nature used Katsuji’s pictures for packages, selling overseas additive-free, dried fruits from Yamanashi prefecture as “natural inexpensive food”.